‘CAKE’ a play turned into a novel

‘Cake’ is a project which started out as a play where I explored the downside of longevity and coping with ageing, but after pausing for the covid years, I’m now working on writing the story as a novel.

  • The script was developed as part of SOHO Theatre’s Writer Development Programme in 2018.
  • The opening of the piece was then developed for solo performance as part of Oval House Theatre’s Adult Company in 2018 and Tobacco Factory’s Prototype in 2019.
  • Covid interrupted development of this piece which was originally conceived as a solo play, but I am now exploring extending the piece into a semi-autobiographical novel.


Liz feels old, but her father-in-law is bloody old. He wants to die quietly in his own home, and Liz wants to give him that, but as he crumbles she is forced to seek alternative ways for him to end his days. The play looks at the social care system and how we value life past its use-by date.


This is Liz’s story of her struggles with her own ageing, and her efforts to give her father-in-law Bill the end he wants. This is a solo show with Bill being played by a giant teddy bear to show his helplessness. Direct address and audience interaction is used throughout as questions are explored such as ‘what is old age?’

The audience is put in role several times as decision makers such as social workers, making Liz more and more a bystander in what happens to the man she deeply cares for. Liz’s husband John is part of the story, but never seen onstage as I want to show how women are often forced to be primary carers for elderly relatives.

I am exploring ways to further develop this piece as a novel, but am also happy to talk to producers or directors about the theatre piece.

I have a good track record of gaining ACE funding and am always happy to talk to potential partners to move this piece forwards onstage or in novel form.

The opening ten minutes of the piece as it was when I presented it for an invited audience at Oval House Theatre in December 2018. Talk to me if you’re interested in developing this piece of solo work that looks at the issue of ageing.

PHOTO CREDITS: Top Image Lucia Tong and all other images Vaskar Kayastha